
A legend

Yesterday I walked in the footsteps of a great woman of God. I heard her stories, I tasted of her history with God. She speaks 6 languages and serves in countries around the world - always loving, always sharing a smile, always filled with hope. I was so inspired to share a few days with her and introduce her to some of my friends. We walked through the market talking to the local ladies, laughing with them, sharing stories. She brought so much life and joy to every shop that we entered.  She loved the new ring that she bought as a present. It means "Traveler of the Way". My local friend had the exact same ring and together we bonded over the God who leads us on the only True Way.  Today I am walking my own story written by God. I much prefer to read another’s story to look back with them and see with clarity all the ups and downs. I much prefer a stable, predictable path, and the false feeling of control. Yet here I am in the place of God’s appointment - insecure, uncertain,

In His Presence

I live in a culture where presentation and hosting is a BIG deal. If you have a mere stranger in your house, you'll at least serve a drink, but if you have a guest of honor - the sky is the limit! That is when you quite literally slaughter a goat and make a feast. You may even go above and beyond your means just so everyone knows that you are a generous person. There can be a beautiful generosity to this or on the other hand guilt that one hasn't done enough and judgement if others don't do enough. In fact, it reminds me a lot of the story of Mary and Martha. In this simple story, our Lord comes and visits his good friends in Bethany - Lazarus, Martha and Mary. Both women are busy hosting in different capacities - Martha is busy in the kitchen and with preparations and Mary is sitting with the Lord captivated with His every word. Then Martha goes to the Lord and complains that Mary should be in the kitchen helping her because there is so much to do. That is the kind of judg

The Most Valuable Thing

Gold is a common topic here, especially when it comes to marriage. "How much gold did he give you?" "Have you seen this latest design?" "I'm going to buy a piece of 24k gold as an investment for my future". There is this impression for the women specifically that gold is a safe keeping, and quite literally plan B in case anything goes wrong with their marriage. There are literally entire market places consisting solely of shop after shop of gold jewelry. Much of the gold is bought by the bride's family from the groom's money given for the woman who is engaged to be married. This gold is for the bride to keep for the rest of her life. Often she will wear it all or most of it on her wedding day and for the first year of marriage. Then will pack most of it away only to be worn on very special occasions (like a close family member's wedding) or to be sold in return for another style of gold jewelry.    In America I don't hear people talk so

The Creative Revolution

 Imagine growing up believing music, color, laughing, fun, and anything pleasurable was a sin. You learn to cloak yourself behind a facade so that no one can see the real you. Why? Because you believe that to please God, no can know that deep down you love singing songs, you thrive in lively conversation, you hate the rigid rules, and are scared that you'll never be good enough. On top of it all, you are told that thinking outside the box, asking questions and being creative is going against the very commands of God.  Now tell me - if you have any fear of the Lord and you truly believe this, can you imagine how you would live your life? Can you feel the fear choking your throat when you go to speak up in a tense situation? Can you picture your stomach in knots at the thought of someone hearing you singing in public? Can you feel the shame that covers your heart every day as you wrestle with the ever present question - did I keep up my facade? Did they see my real colors?  There is


Hiding behind The veil of black Keeping me unseen I enter through The women’s door Hoping I am clean. Going to the spickets I join the line Of black-robed women Washing face and hands In ceremony Hoping to be clean. Facing towards  The holy city I hope my prayers Are heard by God Then the pain within Reminds me I’m unclean. Now I kneel down Face to the ground Uttering words I’ve always known Since I was a girl Yet still I am unclean. Slowly I rise Hopeless that I would ever Be good enough For God to be near Someone so unclean. But I’ve heard of  a man in white, A man who’s kind Compassionate Who doesn’t push me Away as unclean. All of my life I’ve been taught that He’s just a prophet But what if He’s More than that and He can make me clean? What if He is  Who they say He is? What if He is The Son of God And He did die To make us all clean? Could it be that This One in white Is walking on  These dusty roads Beckoning me Though I am unclean? Could it be that  He does want me Just as I am

A Month of Silence

 With the holy month comes an increase of "holy" activities one of which is abstaining from any kind of music. Now not everyone adheres to that especially in the major cities, but I notice it in subtle ways. Where the ladies only gym usually has music at all times, now silence echoes. All major music festivals and performances are put on hold for the entire month - even the world class performance that had started just two weeks prior! Why is that music is deemed so powerful that it must be stopped? I've always been fascinated by the affect of music on humanity - body, soul and spirit. In fact the first topic  that came to mind when my language teacher told me to talk about any topic that I desired was the impact of music in my life. From a young age, I always had a love for singing. I would dance around the house, singing as I did my chores or finished homework. What better way to finish a math assignment than put on classical music or focus on my writing assignment with

Meeting a Stranger

  Out on a lonely desert road lit up by street lights, stood the imposing concrete walls of the outside courtyard of my new friend's "istaraha" (a word used for a cabin or vacation home that can be rented out for holidays). I had met this sweet lady at a local festival. Of course like many other women here, when I had met her she was completely covered in black with only her eyes showing. We had exchanged numbers and just last week she reached out inviting me to come meet her and her daughters about an hour outside of the city at their "istaraha". I approached the massive gates rather hesitantly. I knew I wouldn't recognize her and I had never met her daughters before, so I felt practically like a stranger walking up to someone's family reunion expecting to be let in.  The minute I walked in my fears subsided. I knew who she was immediately because she came rushing over to meet me and welcome me with open arms. Inside the courtyard, I was free to talk of