Hope Does Not Disappoint
"Hope does not disappoint us" - these words come from a song some close friends of mine wrote a couple years ago. It's been one of my favorite songs and I often find the chorus running through my head. Recently, as I once again heard the lyrics in my mind, I found myself thinking bitterly that it couldn't be true. After all - is not the very nature of disappointment the experience of things not working out as you had hoped? Isn't disappointment a hope gone wrong? So how is it possible for hope not to disappoint? The chorus goes on to say in reference to the Lord - "You are faithful! You are good!" Ahh... now we're getting somewhere. Hope on its own will disappoint. But hope in the One who is faithful and good does NOT disappoint. What does this mean? Our hope is built on the character of God, who never changes, not the outward circumstances surrounding me. For example - this summer, I directed an eight-week clean up/beautification project in the m...