
Showing posts from September, 2022

The Great Unveiling

       As my friend and I were strolling through the quiet palms on the warm pavement, the scent of moistened dust and freshly irrigated grass teased my nose. I breathed in the smell and listened to the sound of kids playing “football” (aka. soccer) under the park lights. Figures cloaked in black sat in clusters on picnic mats or park benches across the open area. They blended into the night and spoke in low voices. My friend was talking but my mind had drifted off thinking about these women veiled in black.       I knew that behind the blackness, sat vibrant women full of potential, beauty, and color. Yet, the culture dictated that for their safety and the sanctity of the men, the women must hide themselves from the eyes of men. I longed to go over to each of those women and lift up the veils that covered their faces and tell them how their Heavenly Father sees them.       In Arabic there is a specific word referring to the sc...