Conquering the Sand

The adventure began the moment our Nissan Safari hit the red tinged sand dunes. The mountains of glistening golden orange almost shone in the sun until a gust of wind blew over, dancing with the dust in the air. Stephen circled the car around several clusters of standing quads and makeshift tents aiming for the natural runway. Finally, we were positioned and embarked our ascent up the imposing slope. If you're familiar with walking on sand at all you'll know that sometimes you find hard spots where your feet can stay on top of the sand and other times your feet simply disappear into the softness. Now multiply that by the weight of a several ton car and you can imagine it's no easy task to maneuver over the shifting sands - especially where on one side you have a drop off and on the other side quads and other cars driving up and down the slope!! Normally, a car needs to get a lot of momentum and speed to make it to the top, but with all the obstacles Stephen only made it a...