Open or Closed?

“The metro is open” “Is it real?” “Has the long awaited moment finally arrived?” The whispers floated around on that first of December. For over 15 years people had been waiting for this momentous occasion and yet after many false start dates, doubt and questions began to creep in - would it ever be finished? What would it actually be like? I, too, was one of those people wondering if Dec. 1st was another false date. It wasn’t until I started to see the posts on Instagram and hear from my friends that I actually believed the time had finally come to ride the metro. Everyone was raving about how at last a new era was dawning. The videos popping up on social media showed beautiful stations and sleek train cars. Even better than that was the potential of there being less traffic on the roads as commuters began utilizing this modern, self-driving metro. About a week later after downloading the metro app and checking the routes, Stephen and I decided to go with some ...