Moses' Wanderings

The three peaks of Mt. Sinai Of all the incredible sights we got to see on our two day tour of Mt. Sinai and the surrounding region - perhaps the most impactful reality that struck me was in fact none of these. It wasn’t standing in the split of the magnificent rock where God provided water for thousands of Israelites. It wasn’t in finding historic petroglyphs of calf worship or exploring the possible remnants of the 12 pillars and the site of Moses’ altar. It wasn’t even setting foot on the mountain itself. The thing that jumped out at me as we walked along the rocky paths, climbing over boulders, making our way around thorny bushes, reverently passing tombs and burial sites, was the barrenness of the land. This was the wilderness Moses had lived in for 40 years tending sheep and then came back to for another 40 years leading a “flock” of rebellious and irritated Israelites. A Jewish cemetery near Sinai ...