The Voice that Shakes the Earth

Imagine clouds of smoke billowing up from the hostile slopes of Mount Sinai. The brilliant light of the glory of God pierces through the clouds like lightning and the sound of His voice echoes like thunder. Imagine the fear gripping the hearts of millions of Israelites as they stood quaking at the base of this holy mountain. In Hebrews the writer describes the experience as “a voice speaking words that those who heard it begged that no further word be spoken to them.” Even Moses who later asked to see the glory of God, said “I am trembling with fear.” Standing on this mountain not too many months ago, I imagined the darkness, the gloom and the storm described so clearly, and I shivered inside. Yet, in Hebrews, the author says, “You have come to Mount Zion… to thousands upon thousands of angels in joyful assembly… to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant…” What a glorious picture of hope and joy! We have come “to God, the Judge of all, to the ...