A legend

Yesterday I walked in the footsteps of a great woman of God. I heard her stories, I tasted of her history with God. She speaks 6 languages and serves in countries around the world - always loving, always sharing a smile, always filled with hope. I was so inspired to share a few days with her and introduce her to some of my friends. We walked through the market talking to the local ladies, laughing with them, sharing stories. She brought so much life and joy to every shop that we entered. 

She loved the new ring that she bought as a present. It means "Traveler of the Way". My local friend had the exact same ring and together we bonded over the God who leads us on the only True Way. 

Today I am walking my own story written by God. I much prefer to read another’s story to look back with them and see with clarity all the ups and downs. I much prefer a stable, predictable path, and the false feeling of control. Yet here I am in the place of God’s appointment - insecure, uncertain, questioning if I even have what it takes. The process is scary, it’s new and ever changing. This is pioneering. This is faith. 

I have found in my walk with God that He never leaves us the same. We don’t just stay stagnant in one place, but rather we are ever growing and evolving in Him. I have heard it said in marriage counseling and I believe it is true of my relationship with God - if I am not actively choosing relationship and connection then I’m automatically choosing disconnection. How easily do I drift away - distracted by noise, and business, when one thing is needed. I am not saying that God doesn’t pursue us - far from it! His pursuit is evident in a myriad of ways around us if only we will stop to listen. 

I choose to obey the voice of He who sees me. I choose to let His words define me. I choose to declare His praises in the face of disappointment. Why?? Because I know that in Him all my longings are fulfilled. 

“He is the God who sees me” this was Hagar’s song. How did she know this? Because she cried out to Him, and He answered. Sometimes like Hagar I feel lost in a desert of hopelessness my dreams are dying and I don’t know where to turn. I feel confused and upset. It’s as though there is a restless animal caged inside me and I went to cry out in agony. “It’s not working! You said to go back! But see what happened? What was the point? It would have been better if I never returned to my mistress. Now look my child is dying!” Like Hagar, I start to fear that God has abandoned me and crushed my hope, my very offspring. But listen to God’s reply: “What troubles you, Hagar? Fear not, for God has heard the voice of the boy where he is. “Up! Lift up the boy, and hold him fast with your hand, for I will make him into a great nation.” 

That is the whisper I hear in my spirit today: “Up! Lift up His promise and hold it fast for He will accomplish what He has set out to do. No Word that comes from His mouth will fall void. Yes, it’s gonna be wild, but it’s also gonna be great. It’s gonna be full of Him. And those things that you have given up on - they are not for naught. So I say rise up!” 


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