A Month of Silence

 With the holy month comes an increase of "holy" activities one of which is abstaining from any kind of music. Now not everyone adheres to that especially in the major cities, but I notice it in subtle ways. Where the ladies only gym usually has music at all times, now silence echoes. All major music festivals and performances are put on hold for the entire month - even the world class performance that had started just two weeks prior! Why is that music is deemed so powerful that it must be stopped?

I've always been fascinated by the affect of music on humanity - body, soul and spirit. In fact the first topic  that came to mind when my language teacher told me to talk about any topic that I desired was the impact of music in my life. From a young age, I always had a love for singing. I would dance around the house, singing as I did my chores or finished homework. What better way to finish a math assignment than put on classical music or focus on my writing assignment with a peaceful instrumental background? I took it for granted that my parents are both musical and we would often sing together as a family. My mom taught me piano and I took recorder lessons from a friend.

As my love of music grew, I began to notice the vast differences in music. My family lived in the Middle East for most of my childhood so I was exposed to a lot of Arabic music and dancing at our neighbors' houses but at home I primarily listened to Western music. I saw how my Arab friends came alive to certain beats where as my Western friends preferred other sounds. As I grew older and eventually moved back to the States, I found that music was a way I could express my emotions when I had no words to speak. I also found that God often spoke to me through music and in worship times. 

I find it ironic that in my new home country there is a general belief that music is a distraction to that which is holy. Yet, actually, music is a powerful tool that God is wanting to use here in the Middle East to touch and heal many! I understand that music can take many forms because it is simply an expression of its artist. Some people are expressing beauty and wholeness, others are expressing brokenness and darkness. Yet I wonder, what would it look like if people here took a hold of this creative expression and began to use it to shine the light of Christ. What impact would that have on the coming generations! What joy would fill the hearts of the people as they lift up their hearts to God to the familiar beats passed down from generations! What hope as they begin to find language to worship the Creator who has bestowed this beautiful gift of music on the world! 


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