The Creative Revolution

 Imagine growing up believing music, color, laughing, fun, and anything pleasurable was a sin. You learn to cloak yourself behind a facade so that no one can see the real you. Why? Because you believe that to please God, no can know that deep down you love singing songs, you thrive in lively conversation, you hate the rigid rules, and are scared that you'll never be good enough. On top of it all, you are told that thinking outside the box, asking questions and being creative is going against the very commands of God. 

Now tell me - if you have any fear of the Lord and you truly believe this, can you imagine how you would live your life? Can you feel the fear choking your throat when you go to speak up in a tense situation? Can you picture your stomach in knots at the thought of someone hearing you singing in public? Can you feel the shame that covers your heart every day as you wrestle with the ever present question - did I keep up my facade? Did they see my real colors? 

There is a word in Arabic said something like "badaa" in English. My friend was trying to explain it to me and said it was when someone came up with a new idea. This "badaa" when done in the context of worship or faith is a sin. In religion, she said, everyone must follow the rules with no questions. This is what will bring them to God and give them favor with Him. In my further studies, I discovered the exact English translation of "badaa" and it rocked my world - it means creativity. 

I know the Creator of the Universe has created me to be beautiful and to create beauty. Why? Because He has created me in His image and He is the epitome of beauty, love, hope and all that is good. Any creative innovation or inspiration is from Him and to Him! So, imagine the dilemma in sharing about this God, the Creator Himself in human form, to someone who truly believes that creativity itself is not of God. How do I bridge the gap of understanding? How do I translate in a tongue not my own the beauty of my God?

One way I have found is to bypass words and give my friends an experience. I invite them to my house, I seat them in my living room, I create an environment that touches all five senses (color and art for the eyes, sweet smells for the nose, comfy furniture for touch, yummy treats for the tongue and gentle background music for the ears). Then, I step back and let the Creator do what He does best - touch their hearts. All I'm doing is creating space for Him to show up in my home, in my schedule, in my heart. He is the One who brings beauty from ashes and heals the broken hearted. He is the One who puts songs and creative ideas in us. But it is up to us to let it out and share His gift with the world. 


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